disc leadership
assessment tool
decisiveness - impact - support - certainty
for candidates and clients
72 questions - 25 minutes - comprehensive report
50$ per report plus on cam feedback
we understand the importance of assessing personality traits and behavioural preferences to make informed hiring and career decisions, facilitate effective team development, and support personal growth. Our DISC assessment is designed to provide valuable insights into individuals' behavioural styles, enabling organizations to build high-performing teams and encourage individual development.
DISC Personality Assessment - a powerful tool that provides both recruiters and candidates with valuable insights into behavioural preferences and individual patterns. Whether you're a recruiter seeking to make informed hiring decisions or a candidate looking to understand yourself better, this report offers valuable information to support your journey.
The DISC model is a simple and universally applicable framework that focuses on observable behaviours, categorizing them into four styles: decisiveness, impact, support & certainty. This assessment will help you recognize your dominant style and gain a deeper understanding of your strengths and potential areas for growth.
you can have your report in just 24 hours
what to do now
1. email reach@people-etc.uk - providing name / email/ contact number/ job title /DISC application in the header
2. we will then send you a link to make payment
3. we will confirm payment and send you the link to complete the assessment
4. we offer an on camera 30 minute feedback / discussion following completion of the assessment ( optional)